Transformational Coaching
Your Voice | Your Life | Your Pathway
Transformational Coaching – a conversation with a purpose
Transformational coaching is the process of being supported through a significant change that helps you grow, develop, and ultimately rethink your ‘hardwired’ thoughts, fears and behavioural patterns of the past, that are holding you back today. The underlying premise of transformational coaching is that you will examine everything that could be in service of that transformation. It includes a holistic examination of your life, such as your cultural identity, influencers, and messaging that may be a catalyst or hindrance to significant change. For example, removing fears and blockages to holding open-hearted and enriching death and dying conversations with family and friends.
If you answer YES to one or more of the following – Your Pathways Coach (YPC) Let’s Start Talking sessions are designed for you:
- Ready to generate authentic conversations exploring your personal wishes, health plan and end-of-life care preferences?
- Need to complete or review the essential ‘just-in-case’ end-of-life planning documentation including an Advance Health Directive?
- Wish to be informed, empowered and supported to ensure your voice will be heard and your wishes honoured ?
- Recently received a life-limiting diagnosis, living with a terminal illness, or becoming frail with age?
- Want a safe space to explore your values, ethics, personal wishes and advance health care preferences and options?
- Do you want to protect those who you care about from making gut-wrenching decisions in times of grief and trauma?
- Are you the primary care giver or advocate for a loved one and feel overwhelmed, unseen and unheard in your own life?
- Do you work delivering end-of-life planning or end-of-life care services to clients?
- Need a safe place to tell your story, be heard, reflect, consider your preferences, vent built up-emotions or simply recharge your resilience?
Dying to Know: Bringing Death to Life By Andrew Anastasios

OR if you have ever wondered why the very thought of holding important conversations about the scary D-word or taking the repsonsbility to complete your essential end-of-life planning documentation makes you:
- want to leave the room screaming covered in sweat
- generates uncomfortable emotions that you prefer to avoid by making re-active avoidance statements such as “I’m too young…too fit…too healthy…too busy”; or “let’s not talk about it in case something bad happens”, even when you know on a soul level that holding meaningful conversations and completing end-of-life planning documentation is the greatest gift of all you can give yourself and those you wish to protect when they need it most?
What you can expect
You control the narrative! YPC offers a safe and confidential space without bias, judgement, or discrimination regardless of age, gender identity, culture, spiritual belief, sexual orientation or physical abilities. With a blend of traditional and guided transformational coaching techniques, lived and shared experiences in end-of-life planning and end-of-life care services, you will be supported through your story telling at a pace that is comfortable to you.
YPC meets you wherever you are at right now between life and death; and is there to inform, empower and support you to:
- explore your personal values, belief system and cultural influences
- identify your fears, and express your emotions
- breakthrough emotional barriers and cultural blockages
- gain confidence in generating death and dying conversations
- consider your end-of-life planning preferences including personal wishes, advance health directive and end-of-life care options
- explore pathways and opportunities to make the positive changes you want
- explore legacy making, funeral planning or end-of-life care options
- vent or release built-up frustrations with no consequences
- create your ‘bucket list’ experiences whilst living your best life every day
- debrief, rebuild, and recharge your resilience and confidence that you have got this…and so much more
Getting started is easy
Book a No Obligation Chat
Book a no obligation chat, or call (+61) 0457 386 789, to explore how Your Pathway’s Coach can best support you right now
End-of-Life Doula Services & Support
Generate important conversations, explore advance planning preferences and end-of-life doula support options along your life’s journey
“The most important conversation you will ever have, can take you to places you have never been…The conversation is an act of love, bearing witness to a life well lived; and simply having it, can open doors to the soul”
Let’s Start Talking – TODAY
There is no greater peace of mind for you and your loved ones than holding important conversations and having your preferences recorded many years before you ever need to use them. Services and packages are tailored to suit your current needs and requirements, and range from a one hour session to monthly on-going packages.
Offered via on-line, telephone or in-person depending on your location.
“92% of deaths are expected – yet only 28% have actually had a conversation with loved ones about their end-of-life wishes” – GroundSwell Project

Elena Ragonese
Your Pathways Coach
Contact YPC today
Ask a question below, call YPC direct, or book a no obligation chat